Shelby's Page

Hi, My name is Shelby and Welcome to my web page.  

I am  four years old!!  My birthday is May 22nd. 

I have a BIG sister named Holly, and I am a BIG sister to Mykayla and Noah.  My mommy's name is Rozalind and my step daddy's name is Scott.  My daddy's name is David and my step mommy's name is Paula.

 I love to sit and watch movies and also I love to learn!!!  My favorite color is YELLOW.  And I love Ladybugs!!!!!!

  I know my ABC's and my 123's.   I can even (with a little help) spell my name in sign language.  I love to laugh and be tickled.  I am very curious, wondering why and how everything works.   Before you know it I will know a lot more than you!! HE-HE. 

I also love animals.  We have three dogs, Princess, Roo and Trinity and two cats, Ramsey and Phoenix.  I like to run with the dogs and have them chase me.  Do you like to run too??

I love to dress up and be a princess!!

Well there will be more to come.. More pictures of me, (I am cute aren't I!) 

Have a great day and Lots of FUN too!!
This is me with my Uncle Joe.  


©1999 Corrow Enterprises
Authored by: Rozalind Corrow
WebMasterScott L. Corrow